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  • Long Pass Filter
  • Long Pass Filter
Long Pass Filter Long Pass FilterLong Pass Filter

Long Pass Filter

  • Category: Optical Filter
  • Optical long pass filter
  • Used in fluorescence excitation spectrum measurement
  • Used in imaging optical systems
  • Offers a variety of band options
  • Product description:Optical long pass filter, Customized material and color optical glass filter, IR long pass filter, optical IR infrared filter, 650 nm long pass filter

Optical Long Pass Filter

Long pass filter has the advantages of large cutoff bandwidth, large cutoff depth, high conversion steepness and high transmittance. It can be widely used in fluorescence excitation spectrum measurement, Roman spectroscopy applications, spectral grouping applications, astronomical observation applications. It can also be widely used in imaging optical systems, machine vision system applications, for the elimination of interference light outside the available band, greatly improving the imaging clarity, as well as the sensitivity of the system.

An optical glass filter is an optical device used to select the desired wavelength of radiation. A common feature of filters is that no filter can make the image of a celestial object brighter, because all filters absorb certain wavelengths, thus making the object darker. Its main feature is that the size can be made quite large. Thin-film filters generally transmit longer wavelengths and are mostly used as infrared filters.

China Star Optics can provide different types of custom optical filters are available, such as optical comb filters, optical high pass filters, optical low pass filters, colored glass filters, colored glass filters, crystal optical filters and linear variable filters.

If you want to know more information about a prism, please contact us.

Material: N-BK7, Fused Silica, Si, Ge etc.
Shape: Shortpass, Longpass, band pass, cut-off, Neutral density filter etc..
Diameter: 2 mm-100 mm
Clear Aperture: >90%
Bloking: OD3-OD6
Wavelength: As specified


Filter Coating








